This is a pivots indicator with user defined day start hour.

PivotsType: Type of pivots, Standard or Fibonacci.
PivotsPeriod: Period taken into account for pivots calculation.
FibSequence: User defined sequence of Fibonacci levels.
PastPeriods: Number of periods in the past for which pivots are shown. Depending on PivotsPeriod value, they can be days, weeks or months.
DayMinHours: It refers to daily pivots. Days with this minimum number of hours are used for pivots calculation. It mainly affects Fridays and Mondays.
DayStartHour: GMT start hour of a day in hhmm format. Set AutoGMTOffset to false, ManualGMTOffset to 0 and DSTOffset to false to use server time.
AutoGMTOffset: Difference between server time and GMT, defined automatically by the indicator. It can't be used during weekend.
ManualGMTOffset: Difference between server time and GMT, defined manually.
DSTOffset: If ManualGMTOffset is used, Daylight Saving Time correction is automatically applied according to the European Union rules.
MarginPrices: If PastPeriods is set to 1, pivots price levels are shown on the vertical axis.
LinePrices: Pivots price levels are shown below each pivot line.
MoveLabelsBars: A positive number means the labels are moved to the left, a negative number the labels are moved to the right.